Monday, October 21, 2013

Where in Star Stable is Maggie Lightheart?

Welcome to my weekly update on my personal progress in Star Stable Online.
I'm happy to announce that my horses have gained quite a few levels. Cinnamonkiss has grown from level 14 to level 15, the maximum horse level allowed at this time. Rosewhisper jumped from level 10 to level 13 but, unfortunately, Eveningdancer hasn't gained any levels, because I didn't have time to train her this week... so she gets a photo on the blog.

Poor Eveningdancer didn't get any training this week...
I also open the South Iron Gate this week and gained access into the Golden Hills Valley. I was super excited! I've been working really hard on my bridge repair quests to open the new Harvest Counties too. If you don't know about the Harvest Counties, the new area being released this Wednesday, read this news article from Star Stable. Click for Harvest Counties Info.
Here are some of this weeks highlights in photos.

Moving logs to the Blacksmiths fire to make nails for the bridge.

My progress on the bridge as of today (Monday).

Thanks for Reading!

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