Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Get Ready for the Harvest Counties!

Tomorrow, 10/23/2013, is the grand opening of the brand new area in Star Stable, the Harvest Counties! Make sure you're ready for the unveiling by following this list:

Is the bridge done? If you've completed all of your bridge quests this week, then the bridge will be completed today! Make sure the green bar that marks the bridge's progress is completely full and light the firework that Builder Donald gives to official finish fixing up the bridge! Bridge quests are only available to Star Riders level 4 and up.

Make sure to complete your bridge quests!
Level Up! I recommend that you use your highest level horse when entering into the Harvest Counties. Why? To explore the new area faster! The faster your horse is, the faster you can reach the new content in Star Stable. Just think, the players who get there first get to experience the new area first.

Cha-ching! SAVE YOUR MONEY TODAY! The more money you have going into the Harvest Counties, the more you can buy at the new shops! I can almost guarantee that the shops in the Harvest Counties will be filled with new clothing and tack to buy! There might even be a new breed of horse released, but that's not as certain.

Dress for Success! Close to what I said before about bringing your fastest horse into the Harvest Counties, wear high level clothing when entering into the Harvest Counties so that you can be fast and access the content before other players.
Wear a high level outfit so you can be the first to dash across this finished bridge!

Location, Location, Location! Make sure you've been paying attention to what has been posted on the Star Stable news and what the characters in-game have been saying about the Harvest Counties. From What I've heard, the city Jarlaheim and the legendary Jorvik Stables are the big "highlights" of the Harvest Counties. But, Greendale and Paddock Island look interesting too. Will the forest around Greendale be like the Hollow Woods? What's in the Forgotten Fields? Will Paddock Island be the rumored island for "storing" your extra horses? Right now, only the developers know...
 A map of the new Harvest Counties.
Have fun in the new Harvest Counties and Happy Riding!
Thanks for Reading!

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