Thursday, April 27, 2017

Meet Siennacloud!

Meet my new Fjord horse, Siennacloud!

After working on my reputation with the Kalters for what seemed like forever... I was able to take this guy home and add him to my stable!

I think he's super cute, and having the cold resistance is great when racing in the Hidden Dinosaur races! I kinda wish that he had the newer animations, but I love him anyways!

He is already almost trained up to max level. Keep an eye out, I'm sure you'll see him in future post on Star Stable Legacy!

Comment if you think the Fjord horses are cute! And let me know the names of your own Fjord horses!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We're on Facebook!

Star Stable Legacy is catching onto this social media thing!!

You can now catch us on Facebook! There, you can see all new blog posts and videos as soon as they come out! This is the best way to keep up with Star Stable Legacy without having to check back daily.

Click here to see our Facebook page!

I hope you all are enjoying the new improvements coming to Star Stable Legacy! Please comment down below if you are liking them.

Also, thanks to my readers for returning after I have long breaks! I am currently a college students, so keeping up this blog take a lot of time, which I don't always have. I will be posting more this summer, so I encourage you to keep checking back from time to time (or checking Facebook now!)

Thanks so much, I couldn't do this without loyal readers!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Star Stable Legacy Youtube Channel!

Super news!

Star Stable Legacy has added a youtube channel! Now I will be able to bring you vlogs of my time on Star Stable!

Click here and subscribe now! Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss anything!

Keep watch, soon a new video will be coming out introducing you to the newest members of the Maggie Lightheart family! (Also, you may be wondering where the Haflinger video is... It was posted to my personal channel, but now there is one specifically for the blog so that you can find all the videos in one place!)

Also, I hope that you like the new design of the blog! It was feeling very outdated, so I decided to give it an update! Leave a comment if you like it!

Keep watching for updates, more to come soon!

Sunday, April 23, 2017